Just as important as the decision to divorce is
how to divorce. A litigated divorce isn’t the only option for couples seeking to separate. In fact, in many cases, it isn’t even the best option.
Divorce can have long-term effects on your finances, your mental health, your emotions, your children’s psyches, and your relationships with family members. A litigated divorce can often become a traumatic experience as former spouses begin tossing insults and accusations while trying to secure the best deal for themselves. Too often in this situation, the needs of the children and their emotional wellbeing are overlooked. While no one intends to do this, it is a nasty byproduct of the combative nature of the courtroom.
Why Collaborative Divorce?
When considering divorce, invest time is finding the appropriate method for your situation. One process that is becoming more popular is
collaborative divorce—and for good reason.
Provides an Alternative to the Courtroom
Collaborative divorce is seen as a healthier alternative to a courtroom divorce. By bringing participants to the table to create agreements together, collaborative practice aims to provide an alternative dispute resolution method that results in better agreements. Utilizing two collaboratively trained attorneys, a financial neutral, and a neutral facilitator (divorce coach), collaborative divorce allows participants to discuss their situation in a safe environment, learn about possible solutions, and create legally binding agreements that both parties can stand by.
Tailored to Your Needs
The remarkable thing about the collaborative divorce process is how it can be tailored to fit each divorcing couple’s unique situation. Team members can be added as necessary to help ensure fair settlements are reached and the process can be as short as long as needed to protect the best interest of both parties.
Considers the Family’s Needs
Collaborative divorce can be a useful process for helping families shift from being a one-home family to a two-home family. With a strong focus on each participant’s needs and their best interests, Collaborative Divorce helps moderate what can often be a trying time. The use of a financial neutral (a financial professional who does not take sides and shares all information with both parties) can help ensure that both parties understand the financial ramifications of their choices and assist in distributing property, alimony, and child support in an equitable way. With insight into tax penalties, common expenses, budgeting, and more, a financial neutral helps ensure that both parties are able to walk away from the divorce with a plan for their financial future.
For families, a child specialist can be engaged as part of the collaborative divorce team to ensure that the children’s voices are being heard and that their best interest are being considered. In addition, a co-parenting coach can help parents transition to their new roles as co-parents. This can be beneficial for parents who previously did not spend as much time with the children but who will have more child rearing responsibilities following the split.
Both parties must agree to the collaborative process, which often works best when both parties want a divorce or understand the need for a divorce. In addition, both parties must commit to being transparent about financial information and provide all necessary documentation.
While collaborative divorce doesn’t mean that emotions won’t run high or that conflict won’t ensue—nothing can prevent those issues if they are preexisting—it provides an avenue for actually dealing with those problems. A skilled divorce coach can help divorcing spouses move through their issues and teach them how to better communicate so they can work on separating their lives in a manner that best suits them.
Determine if Collaborative Divorce is the Right Choice for Your Family with a Consultation
Ultimately, the best way to determine whether collaborative divorce is appropriate for your situation is to schedule an appointment with a skilled Tampa collaborative divorce attorney. A reputable Tampa divorce lawyer will clearly explain your options and provide you with information about each so you can make an informed choice and select what works best for you and your family.
Schedule an appointment today to learn more.