
How does a high-conflict divorce affect kids?

When your Florida marriage ends, the chances of you or your former partner having hard feelings are high. However, when the relationship between you and your ex becomes especially acrimonious and the two of you share children, the contentiousness between you may begin to impact your kids. According to Psychology


How Collaborative Divorce Helps You Prepare for the Future

If you’re considering a divorce and you haven’t heard of collaborative divorce, it’s time to learn more about your options. Collaborative divorce can provide families with a less combative approach to dissolving a marriage. This is especially beneficial when a divorcing couple has children and will need to coparent once


Florida divorce process myths

Many people in Florida have misconceptions about divorce and what might occur when they file petitions. Understanding the myths surrounding this matter might help you to know what to expect when you want to end your marriage. Myths about divorce requirements There are several common myths about divorce requirements in


What situations work best for collaborative divorce?

Over the years, studies have shown that collaborative divorce often leads to better outcomes for both parties. However, not every couple is in a situation that may allow for collaborative divorce to exist as a realistic option. What situations work well for it, and what situations should lead to its


Yes, you can prosper financially following divorce

Many Florida residents contemplating divorce stress over what they believe will inevitably be adverse financial consequences flowing from that event. That is understandable, of course. The end of a marriage is unquestionably a big deal marked by material change across a broad spectrum. Finances will undoubtedly be affected. It is


Some instructive takeaways on spousal behavior during divorce

A recent Forbes article spotlighting divorce focuses on impending exes’ instincts during that often unsettled and stress-inducing time. The bottom line: Some divorcing parties in Florida and elsewhere can reasonably manage to keep the emotional rudder operative and on an even keel, while others, well, can’t. In fact, some members


What to look for when choosing a divorce lawyer

There may come a time when your marriage fractures beyond repair. Divorce is now imminent. The next step is choosing a divorce lawyer. Picking the right one is paramount. Keep certain qualities in mind when seeking one to serve your needs. Expertise Attorneys have many specialties. Find an experienced professional


Is timing a key concern in your Florida divorce?

Any Florida resident contemplating divorce can easily feel challenged and even a bit overwhelmed by what seemingly appears to be on the horizon. If that’s you, take heart: You are hardly alone for having some angst concerning a process that will undoubtedly change your life in material ways and play


How to survive a contested divorce

In an ideal world, you would be able to get through your divorce without having to appear before a Florida judge. However, there is a possibility that your spouse won’t negotiate a settlement in good faith, and this means that you’ll need to dissolve your marriage through a formal trial.


What to ask yourself before a divorce?

Approaching divorce is a lot like approaching any other complex problem. You can rush right into it and hope things turn out fine or you can take a little time to fully understand the scope of what is ahead and approach it methodically. Entering a divorce with a plan of


Contact Our Experienced, Dedicated Divorce & Family Law Lawyers Today

As a dedicated family law practice in the Tampa Bay area, we work one on one with our clients, resulting in representation that is characterized by genuine care and understanding. If you are dealing with divorce or other family law issues, please contact at 813-223-7739  to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced family and divorce attorneys.