
Modifying Court Orders: When You Need a Family Law Attorney

Court divorces are hard and they may not always seem fair. While we have plenty of well-respected, intelligent judges on the bench, they can’t always know what the best decision is for each family that comes before them. In addition, circumstances change. What was a good court order yesterday may


How a parenting plan can actually make divorce is easier

Determining a custody plan can be a huge point of contention during a divorce. Parents don’t intend to split with their children and may not be used to the responsibilities that come with being a single parent. But, with the right plan, divorcing spouses may actually find themselves able to


What should you pack for your child custody transfers?

If your marriage is drawing to a close, focusing on your children’s concerns may help them combat the negative mental health consequences that often accompany divorce. Eventually, though, your kids may need to adjust to living in two separate households. Sharing physical custody of children requires coming up with time-sharing


Joint Custody Child Support in Florida

Child custody and child support seem to have a connection. In some ways, they do, but in an important way, they do not. As a parent, it is important for you to understand how they relate and how they are different. You could find yourself in a bad situation if


Why is pre-divorce planning important?

Marriage to an abusive spouse can rob you of autonomy and self-guidance. When you acknowledge that divorce is your only option to protect your future, reality may feel uncertain and scary. If you feel unsure of how your partner will react to news of a split, you might actively seek


Collaborative Divorce Roles: The Child Specialist

One reason that many couples opt for collaborative divorce is that it places special emphasis on the needs of the children. Not only does collaborative divorce allow for more creative approaches to divorce agreements, it also provides parents with more control as they craft custody and child support agreements. One


Key considerations re establishing paternity in Florida

Reestablishing paternity is centrally about confirming a child’s rights and benefits. It’s important for mothers who must secure paternity payments and for fathers safeguarding visitation and custody. We have written before that paternity “ was not much of an issue” years ago. However paternity’s importance in family law increased dramatically


Maintaining your sanity during divorce and Covid-19

The global pandemic created tight quarters for many couples, especially as the lockdown approaches eight months in America. However, these tight quarters allowed married couples to understand if their relationships can handle the toughest situations. For some marriages, it did not. Many spouses will pursue a divorce and work through


Divorce time-sharing: working out the details

Time sharing. It is something you automatically did as married Florida parents with children. Now, and provided the kids are still under the age of 18, it is something you must learn to do in a revised way post-divorce. Divorce-linked time sharing has unquestionably gone through some adjustments in Florida


Contact Our Experienced, Dedicated Divorce & Family Law Lawyers Today

As a dedicated family law practice in the Tampa Bay area, we work one on one with our clients, resulting in representation that is characterized by genuine care and understanding. If you are dealing with divorce or other family law issues, please contact at 813-223-7739  to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced family and divorce attorneys.