
How can you prepare financially for divorce?

Divorce can have numerous effects on your life, particularly when it comes to finances. Dividing assets, covering court costs, and other expenses can have a direct effect on your financial status, which is why preparation is so crucial. There are lots of things you can do to prepare financially for


Protecting your finances in a Florida divorce

Divorce can be a difficult and emotional time, but it is essential to protect your financial future during this process. In Florida, the courts divide assets and debts fairly but not necessarily equally, as it is an equitable distribution state. This article will provide some tips for protecting your finances


Why You Need a Skilled Divorce Lawyer

Divorce has a bad rap, though it really doesn’t need to. While divorce is the end to a marriage, it is also the gateway into a new chapter of the participants’ lives—one that doesn’t have to begin acrimoniously or with regret. One way to usher in this chapter and to


Making New Holiday Traditions During and After Divorce

For some families, the holidays are full of stress. While parenting agreements may spell out when children will be with which parent and for how long, they don’t inform how celebrations should occur or what to consider when making new holiday traditions. The holidays can be magical—even during or after


How to Nurture Children Through a Divorce

You’ve heard it said time and time again—children are resilient creatures. They can adapt to change when necessary, especially when they’re provided the tools to do so. After all, so much of childhood is change, from new teachers and classmates to new routines and activities. While divorce can feel like


Is a collaborative approach the best fit for your divorce?

While many people believe that a divorce will always involve conflict, this isn’t necessarily the case. Taking a collaborative approach can be beneficial to many couples, allowing them to keep the peace and work together to reach a fair solution. However, this approach isn’t necessarily the best fit for every


Late-in-life divorces on the rise

Making life-changing decisions when it comes to ending a marriage is no longer the exclusive purview of couples in their 30s and 40s. Their older contemporaries in the 50, 60, and even 70-year-old demographic are more pulling the plug on their long-term unions than ever. In reality, marital dissolutions overall


Navigating a Florida divorce with an uncooperative spouse

Divorce can be an emotionally draining and challenging process, even when both parties are cooperative. However, when one spouse is uncooperative, the process can become even more complicated and difficult to navigate. An uncooperative spouse can prolong the divorce process, increase expenses and add to the emotional turmoil. Despite the


The impact of a domestic violence injunction on a Florida divorce

Domestic violence represents a serious issue that affects many lives and families, often with devastating consequences. In Florida, the presence of domestic violence further complicates matters. A domestic violence injunction can serve as a critical protective measure for victims. An injunction is a legal order that requires one party to


How Collaborative Divorce Helps You Prepare for the Future

If you’re considering a divorce and you haven’t heard of collaborative divorce, it’s time to learn more about your options. Collaborative divorce can provide families with a less combative approach to dissolving a marriage. This is especially beneficial when a divorcing couple has children and will need to coparent once


Contact Our Experienced, Dedicated Divorce & Family Law Lawyers Today

As a dedicated family law practice in the Tampa Bay area, we work one on one with our clients, resulting in representation that is characterized by genuine care and understanding. If you are dealing with divorce or other family law issues, please contact at 813-223-7739  to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced family and divorce attorneys.